As I welcome Holy Spirit to walk with me in the contours of my heart, one of my questions to him concerns any barriers I have that hinder my desire to live in trust and dependence.  Time and time again, he speaks to me about ‘fear’ and how fear and trust cannot co-exist in regards to intimacy with God.  My relationship with fear has been and is a huge journey!  What about you?   I drove to a wedding in a place I hadn’t been before.  My husband was away so I went alone.  It was the first time I’ve driven to an unfamiliar place a distance away alone.  In this area fear has been a real battle which has taken years of co-working with Holy Spirit allowing him to show me the roots, peel back the layers, put strategies in place that help me when I feel afraid, and pray pray pray.  In the past fear would have prevented me from entering into the joy of my friend’s wedding day, however this time I had a tangible awareness of companionship with Father God and I had peace, I felt safe. Breakthrough!  Victory!


Your words Lord are Spirit and Life!
Luke 10:21 Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said,
“I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
for although you have hidden these things
from the wise and the learned
you have revealed them to the childlike. 
God made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after Him, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find Him!
What does it mean to be childlike?
Two characteristics of being childlike are trust, and dependence.
“I watched the 3 year old girl on the patio, twirling and twirling in great excitement.  I was aware of the deep step where the patio ended and the grass began, but all she knew was the joy of twirling, a childlike innocent trust that all is well.  Daddy is here.  I am safe.  Daddy will catch me.  In that trust and dependence on her daddy, she was joyful and free, without fear and responsibility.  Daddy will catch me.”
  • Do you like me struggle with fear?
  • Are there places in your heart where you find it difficult to trust God?
  • Is there a particular area where fear robs you of feeling safe and free?
  • Do you know today that Father God will catch you?
What love!
What provision!
Lord,Come teach us that you have made us your own.
Let us feel the joy growing in our hearts as we anticipate your coming.
Jonathan Helser sings about his own journey from being a slave to fear to becoming a child of God.  Take time to come to Jesus with this powerful testimony in worship and take your first steps to making it your own.