2nd December – Advent Begins
I love the advent season as we prepare for Christmas but I find it harder to keep Jesus as my focus, to be still, reflect and enter into the journey fully with God. Preparations, people and parties which I really enjoy can rob the time and I arrive at Christmas tired and more significantly missing the truth and riches Advent holds. I feel challenged and excited to make this journey meaningful, to dig deeper and discover the hidden treasure. For me structure really helps so I choose to follow a series of Advent bible readings. The real key though is my commitment to listen to Holy Spirit and allow Him to speak through them, to consider the words that resonate and to respond by writing the message and its application to my heart.
Rather than arriving to Christmas ‘burnt out’ this process is like laying a fire, paper, sticks and coal ignited by God himself. I quickly wake up excited for ‘today’s message.’ and after reading aloud the scripture, chew it over in my early morning swim. In that process The Holy Spirit breathes air, blows on the embers of truth and they became a flame. Later in the day I take about fifteen minutes to write my response. God is so faithful and he meets my willingness and turns it into food that causes my soul to delight in the richest food, just as he promises us in Isaiah 55.
“Advent opens up a very special space for me, a portal into a deeper encounter and joy in God’s presence. Through it, He sustains me in a profound way, filling me with hope, assurance and comfort, affirming our relationship and the road we are walking together.”
I invite you to join with me and dig for Advent treasure for yourself. I pray my journey will inspire and encourage you. I’d love to hear from you, do share your thoughts with me. Together lets prepare our hearts to meet Jesus our coming King.
The atmosphere is charged with anticipation and activity, lights decorate streets and homes, Advent begins! A season of waiting in which we prepare our hearts to receive Jesus the coming king. Advent means ‘Coming’ This is the coming of Jesus into the world.
700 years before his birth, Isaiah sees Jesus and in Chapter 9 he presents him to us.
“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
I love to meet him through each of his names, to fall back into him, to be in His presence, to rest there, to soak Him in, to thank Him.
Everlasting Father, I love you. Thank you for meeting me as Father. Thank you for being my constant companion, for speaking to me, telling me your thoughts and your ways. Thank you for honouring me, for giving me value and worth as your beloved child.
Cory Asbury sings how he sees Jesus
“The son of God high and lifted up
The Fathers love came pouring down for us
He has overcome”
Choose one of his names, Thank Him for who he is and what he means to you. See Jesus today.
Son of God – Cory Asbury Bethel