Becoming Children of God
As I settled into the flight to Nairobi, I sensed the inner conviction that Jesus wanted to speak to me about what it means to become a child of God. Reading from The Passion Translation, I began to read John chapter 1. I quickly wrote in my journal as God showed me these things. I didn’t know then that this would become one of the messages I would bring to the church the following Sunday. This became a living word that unfolded in our lives and into the lives of the teenage girls I had the joy of sharing my time with.

those who embraced Him and took hold of His Name
Becoming Children of God – John 1:9-12 TPT
For the Light of Truth was about to come into the world
and shine upon everyone.
He entered into the very world he created,
yet the world was unaware.
He came to the very people he created
to those who should have recognised him,
but they did not receive him.
But those who embraced him and took hold of his name
were given authority to become
the children of God!
These verses direct us in a 3-part process
- Those who ‘embraced Him’
- Those who ‘took hold of his name’
- Were given Authority to become the children of God
What does it mean for us to Embrace Jesus?
v9 We embrace the ‘Light of Truth’ and His light shining on us.
Embracing Jesus is to embrace light and truth
- Truth through the eyes of Jesus that reveals who The Father is (His character and ways)
- Truth through the eyes of Jesus that reveals who Christ created us to be
and that may be different to the way others have defined us; Authority figures, parents, teachers, family, colleagues.

created to live in joy and intimacy
It may be different to the voices in our own hearts that have power to define us
We listen to God. We are his sheep. We know His voice. He is the one to lead us out.
The light of truth shines into the darkness of lies we have believed – embraced rather than Jesus – to become part of who we are.
The light shines not to expose us, but to cover us, through His love for us.
He longs, desires, woo’s us to exchange lies for truth, e.g. voices of rejection for acceptance
We are created to live within face to face joy and intimacy, worshipping the one who made us to live for his praise and glory.
A battle in The Heavenly Realms
There is a battle in the heavenly realms that we entered into when we were born.
- Who or what will we worship?
- Who or what will we live for?
- Who or what will define us?
We have been equipped for this battle.
We ‘embrace Jesus.’
And we ‘take hold of His Name.’
The song, What a beautiful name it is, flows from this truth.
There is power in the name of Jesus.
We take hold of the name of Jesus
- The name of Jesus is The Lamb of God, come to take away sin
- The name of Jesus is Salvation
- The name of Jesus is Redeemer
- The name of Jesus is The Good Shepherd who lays his life down for the sheep
- The name of Jesus is The Bread of Life
- The name of Jesus is The Light of The world
- The name of Jesus is The Truth and the Life
- The name of Jesus is Healer
- The name of Jesus is ‘Emmanel – God’s presence with us”
- The name of Jesus is The God who is my provision
- The name of Jesus is my righteousness

Jesus; You have no rival, You have no equal Now and forever, Our God reigns
We declare and proclaim Jesus
We lift His name over our lives, circumstances, over lies, over desires of our hearts, over fears, over dreams,
We lay hold of – tenacity
Who is the name of Jesus to you today?
A picture of holding on and laying down
If I walk with my life holding on.
If I fill my life, my arms with things.
- I’m working hard to make myself acceptable
- I’m needed and in my helping I am loved
- If only…I had a certain job, a certain house, a certain relationship
- If only I could change that thing, I would find happiness
- If only I could let go of that offence, grief, grievance, I would be more secure
Yet when I empty my hands, my self and become nothing – I lay hold of Jesus. (Phil 2:7)
What is in your hands?
Romans 8:32 “He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all – How will he not also along with Him graciously give us all things.”
What is in your hands?
What is Jesus inviting you to lay down?
What is in the name of Jesu you need to lay hold of today?
We receive Authority to become Children of God
As we engage with Jesus in this process we receive Authority to become the child of God He created us to become.
- Authority to discern the lies we’ve embraced
- Authority to lay hold of Jesus
- Authority to deal with the enemy
- Authority to live in Truth through Jesus eyes (character)
- Authority to walk in His ways
- Authority to Believe; to Embrace – John 6:29 Jesus answered, “The work you can do for God starts with believing in the One he has sent.”
- Authority to live in trust
- Authority to live in His peace
- Authority to live in Freedom
- Authority to live full lives in the fullness of God
- Authority to Worship God
- Authority to Glorify the Name of Jesus
- Authority to reveal Father’s love
- Authority to carry Father’s heart
- Authority to obey God
- Authority to follow Jesus
- Authority to do even greater things than these in my name.

The greatest invitation
In a healthy home, A child lives in a world of wonder where really nothing is impossible and he knows that he is loved and cared for. Concern for his daily needs is not on his radar, not a part of his life. He just experiences the wonder of it all, new, each and every day. This is what Jesus is talking about. Thats the invitation here. Look around. Look at the natural world. Look how beautiful it is and look at how the season change. Look at how beautiful flowers fade and go away. If you’re Heavenly Father cares about those and cultivates those He can certainly take care of you.
That’s the invitation. We can live this way! Imagine what would lift off us in our lives if we rested in this. The faith of a child is Wonder, Trust, Faith, An Endless reservoir of Hope, Discovery, Adventure, An assurance we are being cared for. This is what we’re invited into. This is more than just an invitation. According to Jesus this is how the kingdom of God works. The Kingdom calls us to trust our Heavenly Father as a little child trusts those who love him. And those who embrace him and take hold of his name are given authority to become the children of God!
This song, What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus, became an anthem for us in Kibera. One day as we drove there, the vast expanse of Kibera spread before us, we worshipped declaring the name of Jesus over these precious lives.
What a powerful Name it is
Nothing can stand against
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
Many thanks Karen, that means so much today! x
Wonderful message thanks Karen