I wrote this blog out of the experience of a major transition in our lives. When we speak out testimony, it releases faith to those who hear for God to do the same in their lives. My prayer for each one who reads this is that you will be filled with the power of God to trust and obey. May God give you a spiritual companion who believes in you and stands with you.
We join with Mary & Elizabeth. The spiritual atmosphere is charged with awe and wonder as together they rejoice in the fulfilment of God’s word in their lives. Their excitement is literally tangible as Mary greets Elizabeth.
Photo by Karen Way – ‘The beauty of fulfilment” |
Mary Visits Elizabeth
39 A few days later Mary hurried to the hill country of Judea, to the town 40 where Zechariah lived. She entered the house and greeted Elizabeth. 41 At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
42 Elizabeth gave a glad cry and exclaimed to Mary, “God has blessed you above all women, and your child is blessed. 43 Why am I so honored, that the mother of my Lord should visit me? 44 When I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy. 45 You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”
Luke 1:45 “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”
These spirit breathed words from Elizabeth to Mary are poured out in love & joy as the two women meet. Each has encountered God, and the hope and joy each carry in the new life within ‘leaps’ in recognition and acknowledgement.
Their song is full of praise to the Lord who is mighty in mercy. They can hardly contain themselves.
A season of huge transition began in September 2013. The transition has moved me from what I knew into the unknown. He is still leading me beyond the extent of my vision and I too am full of joy and excitement as I watch God’s unfolding purpose in my life.
My source in this journey is Jesus who is living word. As I believe His word to me, he daily, continuously fills me with courage and trust to obey and follow him.
Part of the transition involved leaving our home of 23 years and moving to Hinckley. When I asked God to help us in this he gave us this word from Romans 16:25 “I will establish you with my mighty power and do a miraculous work out of my abundance and strength.”
It released me to expect to see God provide for us in miraculous and powerful ways as well as filling me with peace and rest.
We spent February and March in Australia welcoming our new grandson and while we were there God sold our house! A lady had the same dream 3 times, it was about a house God wanted to give her. In her dream God highlighted the kitchen in a special way. Independently her husband had a vision. In the vision he saw a flower in God’s hand. As he watched the flower opened up and inside was a house. God said it was his gift to this family. Over the previous 9 years they had tried to buy two other houses which didn’t work out. It had caused disappointment and discouragement. The dream was shared with someone who knew us, and she recognised the kitchen as the one in our home. While we were still in Australia we received an email asking to buy our home.
We arrived back in the UK and began to look for a new house in Hinckley. We found a house and began the process to buy then after 5 weeks the owner an elderly lady felt she couldn’t continue and withdrew her house from the market. We had a difficult week and God’s word spoke loudly offering sustenance, trust and peace. Then late on Friday evening another house came on the market. We phoned the agent on Saturday morning and the owners agreed we could come and look round with them as no agents were available. Their culture was German and Asian and because of our missional lifestyle we understood them and their ways – and we loved the house. It was a wonderful and crazy day, we arrived at 11.30am and left at 4pm having agreed to buy the house! 6 weeks later as we moved in, we were welcomed by our new neighbour a Christian, a precious woman of God.
I’m absolutely blessed in the word I believed!
There is joy in believing. Waiting to see the fulfilment of God is a powerful experience. Its not always a joyful time, it can be challenging but it always enriches our soul.
There is Joy as we anticipate the gift, the promise to come.
Waiting is not just a preparation time prior to some thing happening – but a gift in itself – to be held, relished, tended in relationship with Father God.
As I reflected on this, faith bubbled up for the new things to come, joy and expectation of a Holy God.
As anticipation grows, what is God offering You?
What is it Father God wants You to receive?
Lord as we move into a new season, we remember you dwell in us. We carry your life and purpose.
Confirm your word in us and lead us into relationships where like Mary & Elizabeth, your life within leaps for joy.
Enjoy this beautiful song from Cageless Birds “Mount Zion”
Worthy is the One, the Lamb who has overcome! Resurrection Love has raised us up again! Worthy is the One, the Lamb who has overcome! He has conquered death, and I will follow Him!
I would love to hear from you how you have found this advent journey, yet the most important thing is that you evaluate this journey for yourself. Will you commit to set aside an hour of quiet in the midst of Christmas celebrations and journal your thoughts, feelings and responses to the journey we’ve made?
Advent Evaluation
Here are a few questions to help you consider and evaluate what it means to you.
What new aspects of God have touched your heart?
How has this time impacted your relationship with Jesus? With Father? With Holy Spirit?
What things will you take into 2017?
If there is one change you really want to see in your life next year, what is that?
What help or support do you need to see it happen?
Some Feedback for me.
As I continue to blog sharing my relationship with God, are there particular areas of what our relationship with God looks like that would be helpful for you?
I’m currently praying about what to write and share in 2017 and can take any questions or comments before God.
If you would like to share anything with me, you can email me karenway64@gmail.com.
Thank You