See I am doing a new thing – A reflection on God’s truth and Ways to resource us for a journey of Hope and change in 2017
As I enter into a New Year, this is my prayer. May you know you are secure, wrapped around in God’s light, love and peace as you walk each day throughout 2017.
What hopes and dreams are stored in your heart? Listen to the still small
Voice within. What do you hear.
2017 will be a year of ………………………
Voice within. What do you hear.
2017 will be a year of ………………………

Isaiah 43:19 “See I am doing a new thing” A reflection on my journey throughout 2016.
“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
The wild animals honour me,
the jackals and the owls,
because I provide water in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland,
to give drink to my people, my chosen,
the people I formed for myself
that they may proclaim my praise.
God speaks through Isaiah to encourage his Children with a promise of Victory over their enemies because of His great mercy and faithfulness. In the verses preceding this, God reminds them of their history, his mighty power when he delivered them from great oppression and suffering miraculously opening a way for them where there was no way – through the sea.
So these are our expectations for the journey ahead; God leading us in his paths for our lives, delivering us from oppression and suffering in miraculous ways demonstrating His mighty power!
Then He adds to that saying “Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past, See, I am doing a new thing…” In other words we are to expect all this and even greater works of God in our lives – Its time to listen to God, buckle up and embrace all He has for us! Why? His great goal and desire for us is that we will come to know the God who formed us and proclaim or declare who He is as we Praise Him.
2016 is indeed a testimony of Praise as we listened and obeyed God’s word to us.
Last year can be described in one word, “All Change.” It all began with a trip to Australia to welcome our new grandson Peter, then followed new working roles, a new town, new house, gradually becoming home to us.
Since arriving in Hinckley change continues making new friends, joining a new church, and finding new rhythms of life. Conversely there is huge loss and letting go, its a journey of both light and darkness on one canvas.
“If God” is going to do a new thing, what does that require from us?
Here are 10 aspects of God’s ways, God’s truth, that have sustained and empowered me on the journey.
- John 6:28 Then they asked Jesus, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” 29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” This can be the hardest work we ever do; to believe! To believe the word God has spoken without seeing the path ahead. To believe that our God is all powerful and watches over His word to perform it. (Jer 1:11) To believe He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? (Rom 8:32) We live by Faith; Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Heb 11:1)
- To listen and take time to listen to God daily much more than we have ever done
- As God speaks and gives direction, it is crucial to take time to respond to God with honesty about what we think and feel until we are prepared to believe his words to us and obey them
- TRUST TRUST TRUST! That means we face the questions, uncertainty and unknowns of each day actively declaring the truth about who God is to us rather than swallowing lies about God, ourselves or the circumstances.
- Worship God for who he is, especially on the darkest days when you don’t see the way ahead, and you feel sad and fearful, empty and helpless, lonely and isolated. I walked many miles with my headphones, soaking in the truth about who God is as I listen to others singing their praise to God.
- Pray! Ask God daily for His revelation and wisdom, to open the eyes of your heart so you will know him more and begin to see your circumstances from His perspective, despite what you see in your circumstances with human eyes.
- Learn to take captive every thought. Our minds are a battleground and the enemy will come with accusation, judgements, unbelief, isolation, pity, hopelessness and on it goes. Its important we discover what our real enemies are and ask Holy Spirit to teach us how to deal with and disarm them, otherwise we will run round in circles, get weary and even more vulnerable until we hide in the walls we build in our hearts. The trouble is those walls also keep God out. Don’t let the enemy rob you of your ultimate source, Jesus who has overcome and daily offers us his life for our death. He is real! It is real! We really can receive all we need, remember “Give us this day our daily bread.” whether that is bread for our Spirit, Mind, Emotions or body.
- Speak to God and others about what you face, the struggles you have, the fears in you heart and ask them to pray with you. Isolation makes us vulnerable. We must practice being real with ourselves and with others. We can only embrace change and move forward from where we’re actually at. This means there is no room for denial, hiding, running away, keeping busy or any other coping mechanisms we have. Father God is big enough to hold us as we pour out our hearts, comfort every pain, hear our complaints, even rage. He knows. He understands.
- Rejoice, Rejoice and again I say Rejoice We have a good good Father! He knows the plans He has for us! They are plans to prosper us not to harm us! Nothing can separate us from His love.
- Choose Life! We may not know where we’re going. We may not understand why we are walking in the way we go. BUT we can choose who we walk with. We can choose to believe God is good. We can choose to surround and join with others who love Jesus and are walking in His Ways. We can choose life.
We know He has formed us and we proclaim His Praise! 2016 has been the most amazing year revealing in fresh and deeper ways who God is to us and how he loves us.
- We praise God who is Faithful to His word and faithful to us
- We praise God who Loves us and shows his love to us every moment of every day.
- We praise God for his Kindness in caring for every detail of our lives
- We praise God for his Grace – giving us the power to be who he has made us to be and to do what he has made us to do.
- We praise God for his Mercy, healing and restoring us, meeting every need. Even in December we experienced this as God healed and restored Paul who had a lump in his tongue. When the surgeon came to cut it out, it had shrunk so small there was nothing to remove. Within 48 hours even the surgeons cut and stitches was completely healed.
- We praise Him as The God of all Comfort
- We praise God for his Compassion and the way he meets us in love
- We praise God who gives more than we can ask or imagine – who took us to the ends of the earth and enabled us to welcome our grandson and be family together.
- We praise God for his provision, a new home and a Christian neighbour who has served Jesus all her life and is one of his precious treasure boxes.
- We praise God who is Father to us, guiding, protecting, covering, reassuring and affirming us
- We praise God who is with us, He never leaves us or forsakes us
- We praise God who is Holy Spirit who dwells in us and makes the presence and power of Jesus real in our lives.
- We praise God who is Living word, who sees the way, who lights the way.
- We praise God who is Truth. Jesus is truth and when we know Him, He sets us Free
- We praise God who is Creator and who gives us the great privilege of Co-Creating new things with Him
- We praise The God who makes all things new, the God who is doing a new thing in my life and yours.
Will you receive His invitation to do a new thing in your life in 2017?
Are you willing to begin a new journey of Trust?
He holds out His hand to you offering life more than you or I can ask or imagine.
Fill in the blank:
What hopes and dreams are stored in your heart? Listen to the still small
Voice within. What do you hear.
2017 will be a year of ………………………
We make this beautiful song with Pat Barrett and Housefires a prayer and declaration as we fulfil the work of God – to believe in the one He has sent.
“Life is a Gift”
Karen Way.