There are some moments in our lives we don’t have to remember because the experience was so powerful it is written on our hearts. Memories like this draw us instantly back into the moment even years later. A few days ago I talked about my journey with creativity and a particular moment in a counselling retreat that transformed me.
I sat with eyes closed, holding a lump of clay. I heard the speaker invite me to walk with Jesus. He was instantly with me and together we walked through a woodland following the path until we came to a lake. I watched as Jesus walked into the lake a little way out, then he stopped and reaching down brought something out of the water. It looked like a well, a large clay receptacle. I began to shape the brown clay into the form of a well and as I did Jesus spoke to me. He said, I made you in my image and you are creative but you have had so much creativity stolen from you. The joy I prepared for you was twisted and became shame in you, but in this well I have kept for you every creative experience I gave even from your childhood. Those things you thought were lost cannot be stolen from me and today I open this well to you, I’m giving each one back to you, this is for your joy.” I began to cry as I suddenly connected to years of grief over this aspect of my identity. My tears fell into the clay as I continued to shape it in my hands adding layer upon layer until my well was complete.
That encounter of God meeting me through the creative mediation happened almost 20 years ago, yet this powerful act of salvation began a new day and the redemption continues still today.
In today’s readings we meet Isaiah and many generations later Mary, both of whom had a personal encounter with God as His Salvation poured into their hearts, a moment that transformed and directed their lives into the fullness and purpose He prepared for them.
photo by Karen Way Argents Mead Hinckley
One day as Isaiah went to the temple to worship He saw the Lord. His profound experience of God’s holiness, conviction and salvation fills him with assurance and joy. |
12:2 says
“Surely God is my salvation;
I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defence
He has become my salvation.”
Luke’s gospel records Mary’s words after her encounter with God through the Angel Gabriel
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. My Spirit finds joy in God my saviour.”
Mary’s words echo those of Isaiah. She too is given the gift to see God’s salvation and even though it will mean laying down her life, her own soul pierced, the greatness of God floods her heart with Joy.
Our Advent journey begins with expectation that leads us to longing and into joy.
Joy explodes within us as God meets us in those places in our hearts where we need to know his forgiveness grace and love – that’s salvation.
Recall again an experience of God’s salvation meeting you and changing you forever.
Write your own prayer proclaiming his salvation, praising Him and expressing the particular aspects of His character and nature you see through his mighty act of love towards you.
Invite Father God to come with His salvation where you know in your heart you are not living in the joy he has for you.
Its time to breakthrough!
Jonathan Helser sings ‘Just One Drop’ on the album ‘on the shores’ and He declares “you are greatly to be praised” as he describes his experience of salvation.