5.55am.  Waking, I heard the rain hitting the window, my first thought on my decision to start back swimming today after weeks off with the flu virus and Christmas celebrations.  I reached for my phone and daily audio bible and saw a video of our grandson Peter 21 months,  in Australia, always exciting. So precious…

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Name your year. I’ve been asking God what is your name for our journey through 2018? “Hope & New Wine” comes forth from a precious heart journey that began in 2013, ‘Laying the vineyard fallow.’ I begin so thankful for the faithfulness and kindness of a Father who kept me and drew me closer. As…

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How has your life been touched by beauty this year? “Brothers and sisters, fill your minds with beauty and truth.  Meditate on whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy.  Whatever you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do it,…

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