There is no chain ‘this love’ can’t break
When you are in a place of disappointment, loss, grief, turmoil of soul, what do you do?
Where do you turn? Where do you run?
Hannah presented herself before the Lord.
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I love this place! The Tabernacle of the Nations is a house of prayer in the heart of Amsterdam’s Red Light District.
I’ve been in a season of transition for over 2 years, stepping out of an active role in leadership and mission into sabbatical and beyond a season of waiting for God to bring to birth the new plans and purposes He has for me. Its an emotional roller coaster, of loss, grief, fear, helplessness and barrenness to name a few. Through it all, Holy Spirit, has taught me to turn to Jesus and worship Him, to run into my Father’s arms to find comfort and rest. It has opened up a very special space, a portal into a deeper encounter and joy in His presence. Through it, He is sustaining me in a profound way, filling me with hope, assurance, comfort, affirming our relationship and the road we are currently walking. I wouldn’t exchange this life for anything!
In 1Samuel 1:9-20 Hannah is in her depth of pain and pours out her heart to her Lord. In doing so, she is misunderstood, judged even, and by the religious authority at that!
How easy it is for us to misunderstand and to judge others.
Hannah responds full of grace and truth. In her brokenness and vulnerability she gives an honest account to the priest; Im pouring out my troubles to the Lord. My prayer is promoted by my deep sorrow and misery.
Am I willing when I am broken, misunderstood, even misjudged to be vulnerable, to respond in humility?
In her surrender to God and honouring of the priestly authority her reward is “Go in Peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him”. Hannah replies “Think kindly of your maidservant” in this simple humility she also holds the priest accountable. Hannah stands in her identity as a child of God, secure and dignified. At home her encounter with God is immediately visible. She is at peace. No longer downcast. I love how she testifies to this encounter in Worship, an act of trust and thanksgiving that cements her experience, and proclaims faith in her God who answers prayer. In 1Samuel 2:1-7 we are told more of Hannah’s worship and testimony.
‘Then Hannah prayed out of her deepest feelings:
My heart rejoices in the Eternal One;
my strength grows strong in the Eternal.
My mouth can mock my enemies
because I celebrate how You have saved me!
No one is holy like the Eternal One—
no, no one but You;
and there is no rock as solid as our True God.’
Hannah is strong in the Lord, as she stood in her brokenness, believing, trusting, waiting,
she now stands in rejoicing, celebrating, testifying to and declaring the character of God.
You have saved me!
No one is Holy like you;
There is no rock as solid as you True God.
The Eternal one is a True God who knows
He weighs the actions He sees
He judges the proud and gives the weak and poor new strength.
He is resurrection life
He humbles and He honours
He is Just and His justice is real.
God meets Hannah in her deepest need, and then so much more than that. He heals her barrenness, restores her honour, dispenses His Justice, reveals himself as resurrection and life, saviour, redeemer, provider, her rock, faithful one, and brings her out of her grief a celebrant standing strong in her identity and faith.
Hannah believed. She receives his words as the word of God and she sees through the eyes of her heart – hope, life, a son…
Where does Hannah’s story meet you in your heart today?
What step will you take today on your journey?
What aspect of God’s character can you testify to and bring as your worship?
This Love, House Fires 2
“I’m excited to be blogging, and really want my blog to be interactive, so I’d love your comments, to hear your testimonies. My desire is to create a space where we can journey together, inspire, encourage and learn from one another in this great adventure of knowing God and living empowered full lives that glorify Him.”