When we think about ‘nurture’ we most often think about caring for a baby or a small child, yet the truth is all growth comes because there has been some kind of nurture and that continues throughout our lives. As adults we often connect with nurture in the garden, but when did you last consider nurture in your own life.
Can you identity a way in which you have been nurtured this year?
How did that nurture happen?
Perhaps you had a desire to grow in an area, a new skill, researching an issue you feel passionate about or maybe you decided to make a journey in your heart such as exploring and overcoming a fear that limited you.
Perhaps you haven’t thought about self-nuture much at all this year. That’s true for many of us, we’re good at caring or nurturing others yet not so good at taking care of ourselves.
Photo by Karen Way – Amaryllis |
A friend gave me an amaryllis and after planting the bulb, nurturing it with warmth water and light, it has grown tall and opened its beautiful red-orange flowers.
Isaiah 45:8 says “You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide and salvation bud forth. let righteousness flourish with it; I, the Lord, have created it.”
This exciting promise is just like my flower, designed by Our Creator God to be fulfilled
because He deeply loves us, nurtures and cares for us…if we allow him to.
Isaiah continues to carry God’s heart with a personal invitation “I am the LORD, there is no other. Turn to me and be safe.”
The Message Isaiah 45:21-23
Who told you, and a long time ago, what’s going on here?
Who made sense of things for you?
Wasn’t I the one? God?
It had to be me. I’m the only God there is—
The only God who does things right
and knows how to help.
So turn to me and be helped—saved!—
everyone, whoever and wherever you are.
I am God,
the only God there is, the one and only.
I promise in my own name:
Every word out of my mouth does what it says.
I never take back what I say.
Everyone is going to end up kneeling before me.
Everyone is going to end up saying of me,
‘Yes! Salvation and strength are in God!’”
Its really easy for us to get into habits that try to resolve problems or issues independently without even opening our hearts to our Father who says I know how to help.
I’ve done this many times. I’ve always been a highly responsible person, generally a good characteristic. I can be relied upon. I’m trustworthy, I will meet goals within the time given,
I work hard to accomplish tasks well, yet those strengths have also meant that at times I have trusted entirely in my own strength and not been willing to receive help from others or even from God.
Ask God if there is an area in your life where he desires to nurture you.
Listen to his personal invitation to turn to him, to find our safety in him alone.
Where can you trust his love for you today?
Do we need to surrender independence?
Its busy I know, yet choose to take just 5 minutes of quiet with Jesus. His presence is with you.
“Lord, Your invitation settles in my soul:
“Turn to me and be safe.”
Something lets go inside when I take those words into my heart.
They are an invitation for me to rest.
Jonathan David & Melissa Helser sing ‘Empty My Soul’ their own song testifying to the journey of letting go and finding the indescribable love of God.